Hey Folks this Saturday March 23rd. We are having a Born-Free /Loser Machine Co. party at The Garage Company in Inglewood Ca.We also have several companies helping put this free event on and it's going to be a lot of fun...Harpoon is painting a Lowbrow Customs peanut tank & ribbed fender to give away at the event. This is how to win:: Buy 2 Born-Free promo posters/with free tickets by Friday the 22nd ( online ) or at the event in person. If you have already bought 2 or more at one time you are automatically entered to win. You do not need to be present to win the tank & fender. If you win we will ship to you. Win or not your ticket stubs will stay in the Giveaway promo to win one of the 18 particapating builder bikes at Born-Free 5. For the Bike Giveaway at Born-Free>> YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!!  Get you chance online right now @ http://www.lowbrowcustoms.com/p2800/buy/misc/born-free-5/born-free-show-born-free-5-poster-amp-ticket-/ or buy from the select stores that carry the posters/tickets:: TriCo in Holllwood, Classic Cycles in Orange, The Cycle Lodge in Orange or at The Garage Company in Inglewood. We want to thank everyone who is involved in helping us with the party and Harpoon & Low Brow for donating their parts,materials and time.


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